
Join the Tiledesk community.

  • Star on GitHub. Star Tiledesk repositories on GitHub and help others discover the platform.

  • Share your Feedback. Discuss new ideas, suggestions by creating a post in our Feedback Board.

  • Explore our Public Roadmap. Stay updated on our latest developments and contribute your thoughts about our Public Roadmap.

  • Share your Projects. Publish your work on our Chatbots and Conversational Apps Community and get recognized for it.

  • Join our Affiliate Program. Start earninig rewards for your referrals by participating in our Affiliate Program.

  • Participate on the Forums. To discuss Tiledesk development with Tiledesk team and community join our Discourse forum.

  • Squash Bugs. Join Tiledesk’s passionate community to help us manage issues and squash bugs for Tiledesk Design Studio, Server, Widget, Web Chat and iOS and Android clients.

  • Write Documentation. You don’t have to be a developer to contribute to Tiledesk. You can create new or update old Tiledesk Docs articles or tutorials directly through GitHub.

  • Suggest a Blog Post. Write or suggest a blog post on your Tiledesk story, tell us about how it improved your team’s communication and we’ll share it with the community.

  • Create Tutorial Videos. Tiledesk has a passionate community of content creators on YouTube sharing tutorials on configuring, installing, customizing and developing for Tiledesk.

  • Come Meet Us. Come say hi at a local meetup or conference, tell us how you customized it to suit your needs and improved your team’s communication.

  • Start using Tiledesk. You can sign-up to our Free Forever Cloud version or install On-Premise.

  • Check our Website. Visit and our Blog for the latest news.

Last updated

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